суббота, 30 июня 2012 г.

Textures button

Start with "WT" button and go to the "chess" button on the right side of the menu.
This "chess" button works with textures on buildings or structures.
Tap on this button and textures disappear from building or structure.
Building or structure looks like mock-up in "architectural" mode.

воскресенье, 24 июня 2012 г.

Time of day or Sun position

Start with "WT" sign, then go to main menu and to the "clock" button. This button operates with Sun, position of which depends on time of day. Unfortunately, still no shadows in the app. But we are working on it.

List of buildings and structures

01. Mies van der Rohe pavilion. It's done and alailable on Google Play.
We are working to present this app on Apple Store.
02. Parthenon in Athen, Greece. The model is done. But it is too heavy now. We are working to make the model smaller, more suitable for any tablets and smartphones. Or, we hope, that 4-core devices will be more   accepted in near future.

Summer and winter buttons

Start again with "WT" in the left side of the bottom of the screen, open the main menu and tap "S" button.

You will find next level, with "Summer" and "Winter" buttons.

суббота, 23 июня 2012 г.

четверг, 21 июня 2012 г.

Getting from Google Play

This is free version. The application is still available only on Android platform. So, just go to the Google Play through any Android device you have, print "planet alive" (this is a market name of us) and tap our icon.
Or, use this link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.PlanetAlive.WTPavilion095&feature

We are working to present this app in Apple Store.

среда, 20 июня 2012 г.


WANDER THROUGH is an applications which allows you to walk through out any 3D digital model of any building or structure. You can also observe the model, see detailes, feel scale of a model. Actually, this is the same thing as you are walking through real building or real structure.
There a lot of buildings or structures in the world which are too far from you or they will never be exist any more, because of time or they have been demolished. But some of them are very important for understanding of architecture or human history. Now, when you are not able to visit these monuments, you can just load this app.
First one free app is available in Google Play:
This is our icon: